Looking for monsters

Video link.

My niece Elanor had a great 4th birthday on the mountain this past Wednesday. It was the warmest day of the thaw, and everything was extremely exciting. Earlier in the day, the honeybees flying around the veranda had frightened her and she went back inside to read books and play with her Nanna. But somehow as soon as her daddy showed up, she wasn’t afraid of anything anymore.

As for the “monster” mentioned at the very beginning? The one Elanor is being encouraged to “go get”? That would be the guy with the camera for a face.

7 Replies to “Looking for monsters”

  1. 1. Four is such an emphatic age, with the id at its most cheerful. “HEY! I LIKE this water!”

    2. How improved my life would be had only someone asked, “Do you want to go look for snakes?”

    3. This piece glows with the continuity of people and place: bliss.

  2. Ha! Enjoyed watching this. Reminds me of when my niece visits at the farm to see Monarchs eclosing, visit Spider Ranch, or check on the progress of apples in the orchard. Last time she was out (late last summer), she used clothespins to attach a long line of tree leaves to the clothesline.

  3. What a fun video. I loved the comment left by JMartin. At age 4, kids haven’t begun to edit themselves and whatever they think, they say. It’s an honesty that may embarrass parents sometimes, but I love it. Thanks, Dave, for this superb intergenerational video. I particularly enjoyed Elanor’s “uh oh” when your Dad’s hat went in the water.

  4. I really enjoyed the video of Elanor with her dad, as well as the video with grandpa Bruce and grandmother Marsha. I only wish we were closer to Plummer’s Hollow so we could visit with our young cousin in person and get to know her better. Thanks Bruce for sending the video and thank you to Dave for taking it. Children are such a delight to be around when they are young and learning new things.
    I liked with Beth W. had to say. How right she is.
    Cousin Betty

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