Holy water

(Lord’s day). My intention being to go this morning to White Hall to hear South, my Lord Chancellor’s chaplain, the famous preacher and oratour of Oxford, (who the last Lord’s day did sink down in the pulpit before the King, and could not proceed,) it did rain, and the wind against me, that I could by no means get a boat or coach to carry me; and so I staid at Paul’s, where the judges did all meet, and heard a sermon, it being the first Sunday of the term; but they had a very poor sermon. So to my Lady’s and dined, and so to White Hall to Sir G. Carteret, and so to the Chappell, where I challenged my pew as Clerk of the Privy Seal and had it, and then walked home with Mr. Blagrave to his old house in the Fishyard, and there he had a pretty kinswoman that sings, and we did sing some holy things, and afterwards others came in and so I left them, and by water through the bridge (which did trouble me) home, and so to bed.

I go to hear
the famous preacher
who could get a boat to carry the sea,
a grave to house fish.
And we sing holy things
after the water.

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Sunday 20 April 1662.

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