On the Suspension of Disbelief

More than 45,000 drones
have been registered in just
one month; and more than 400,000
were sold over the holidays.
In the meantime, homeowners debate
whether it is safer to tilt
their horizontal blinds upward
or downward; and what virtue there is
in having the roll of designer
toilet paper face outward or in.
In the meantime, no one has yet won
the $900M Powerball Lottery.
In the meantime, on some days,
winter in this part of the world
has felt more like summer.
In the meantime, someone asked
for help but when it was given
dismissed the gestures offered
with indifference. In the meantime,
tomorrow we know there may be flurries,
but not enough to cover the heads
of roses and the bramble hedges
with blankets of obliterating snow.


In response to Via Negativa: Testing the water.

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