Farewell to London

rainy bus ride near Queens Park Station

I’m about to begin the long journey back to central Pennsylvania after three months abroad. This last week since our return from holiday in Cornwall has been full of outings with friends and last-minute visits to things we’d meant to see all summer. But I promise some more photos and travel posts after I get settled in at home. My other home, that is.

I’m wondering what I’ll miss most about London, aside from Rachel and my other friends here, and I think it might be that particular, delicious kind of lostness that comes from immersion in a constant stream of sensory inputs and the whirl of cultures, languages and dialects that one can only get in a major city. I’ll miss good beef, street-corner pubs, old Slavic fisherman on the canal path and Muslim families picnicking in the park. I’ll miss sitting like a king in the top level of a lumbering, double-decker bus and watching the endlessly varied streetscapes scroll past.

And what do I most look forward to at the other end of my journey, aside from family? That’s easy: the lush meadows, the forests, and all the singing insects that I’ve missed listening to here — especially the throbbing choruses of northern true katydids that are such a feature of August nights in Pennsylvania. All the distinct dialects of silence.

6 Replies to “Farewell to London”

  1. I’ve been wondering when you’d be heading back over here, Dave.Your London list makes me homesick for that city, but the woods and insects and birds are calling to you too. I hope Rachel can come over sometime soon, to your “other” home.

  2. No throbbing choruses of anything at the moment; it’s pouring rain, and flooding is forecast across the state over the next couple of days. Welcome back to PA, bro!

  3. Bon voyage, Dave, and come back soon. Sorry I didn’t get to spend more time with you but glad that you were here at my litlle Pineapple celebration. Hope Pennsylania and the singing insects give you an enthusiastic welcome home.

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