The Hollow (1)

This entry is part 1 of 48 in the series The Hollow


autumn equinox

a mosquito takes its first steps
walking on water


where water sits
at the head of the hollow
a bench for reflection


the not-rightness of it

this vernal pool collecting
autumn leaves



empty husks of former lives
sink into the mud

The Hollow (2)

This entry is part 2 of 48 in the series The Hollow


train horn

the forest pool’s murky surface
stippled with bubbles


mosquitoes rising
only as high as my knees

still drying their wings


West Nile virus

missing the heart-stopping
flush of a grouse


old charcoal hearth

the last butternut tree’s
mossy corpse

The Hollow (3)

This entry is part 3 of 48 in the series The Hollow


glossy orange
to mark the hatchet-cut scars

property line


beyond the line trees
the same old view

chestnut oak seedling


“leave no trace”

only my footprints now
where spring beauties bloomed


black locust grove

the leaf miners have laid bare
a rich vein of sky

The Hollow (4)

This entry is part 4 of 48 in the series The Hollow


in the purple-stemmed
jungle of pokeweed
last year’s skeletons


goldenrod meadow

forty acres and a wren


the somewhere else
that is also here

ridge after ridge


too big to hide
the spider draws in her legs
and turns to gemstone

The Hollow (5)

This entry is part 5 of 48 in the series The Hollow


ark     ark

so many ways of saying here
in Raven


the aging spruces
still stand where we planted them

their insurgent roots


rings of mushrooms
between the lines of trees

one woodfern waving


shaggy manes

imagine the sweet release
of autodigestion

The Hollow (6)

This entry is part 6 of 48 in the series The Hollow


they must love the milk
that makes them so bad-tasting

milkweed bugs


memorial bench

all the young trees
it shelters now


the fog still lingers
in a funnel spider’s web

deertongue grass


the “creep” in “creeper”

battened to a locust trunk
by a thousand tentacles

The Hollow (7)

This entry is part 7 of 48 in the series The Hollow


the descent beckons
in three directions
old charcoal haul roads


crossroads deep in moss

a ladder of fungi climbs
a nearby snag


namaste means
I bow to the divine in you

lightning-struck oak


it’s not true
that lightning never strikes twice

spears of heartwood

The Hollow (8)

This entry is part 8 of 48 in the series The Hollow


under the green oaks
all the colors of flame



too cold to move
the red eft shivers
when I stroke its back


I lift my eyes
to the hillside

dead and dying mountain laurel


a midnight-blue wasp

its white-tipped antennae
palpating the ground

The Hollow (9)

This entry is part 9 of 48 in the series The Hollow


den holes

I knock on the tree to see
if a head pokes out


a breeze shakes acorns loose

their muffled thumps into rain-
softened moss


how great it felt
not to be afraid of falling
in last night’s dream


perched aristocratically
among the toadstools

a cranefly

The Hollow (10)

This entry is part 10 of 48 in the series The Hollow


birch roots
turned stilts

a hollow in the shape of a stump


desire path

deer cutting across
this trench of a trail


raised high in a claw
of upturned roots
an ordinary rock


smooth sandstone

the empty seas of the first
great extinction