Reversible Phytoplankton Muse

or, Blog Spammers Say the Darndest Things

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Hello. And Bye.

16 Replies to “Reversible Phytoplankton Muse”

  1. This is a wonderful aggregation of all the comments I’ve tried to leave here that you have not cleared to be posted. I’m glad you’re sharing them now. Hello. And bye.

    1. Oh yeah? This morning was the first I’ve actually looked at it in a long time. The Akismet spam catcher is so good, there are almost never any false positives. So normally I just empty the spam folder without a second glance.

  2. It’s like watching language churned by the acid of spam through an endoscope…. Do I have the med for that!

    Well, hello and good bye, even if I can find many things I look for here.

    1. Thanks! Spam comments are one of the unique features of blogging that can turn it into a real burden if you’re not on WordPress using Akismet (and for self-hosted WordPressers, a battery of other anti-spam tools). You should start getting stuff in your spam folder in a another few weeks, if you haven’t already.

      1. No, the spam hasn’t started arriving yet. But visitors to my website have increased so much recently… don’t know whether this is due to the Artlog hits… that Easily have informed us we’re going to have to upgrade our package. Sally the Webmistress is onto it. This is all Martian to me. But I am getting slightly better at negotiating the blog stuff. I rarely have to call for help, though I’m sure if you were present here in person you’d knock it into much better shape than I’m able to do! Getting there slowly.

        1. Well, more website traffic is a good problem to have, eh?

          I’ve been impressed by your steady progress learning the software. A lot of bloggers learn just barely enough to get by and nothing further, and that frustrates me sometimes.

  3. I found the two miles of religious nutcase one on an old post I was going back to cleanse of something else. Somehow it had escaped my notice before. You make me wish I’d kept it…

    Did you really get ‘windows like sheets of some strange obsidian’, that was a find if you did.

    You winsome you losesome I suppose…

    1. Yes, I edited some of these for length, but otherwise changed nothing, and the “windows like sheets of some strange obsidian” is verbatim — a teaser for cialis.

      I suppose you’ve been reading Via Neg long enough to know that I have a similar love/hate relationship with roadside litter. However much I deplore it, I can help admiring its occasional aesthetic qualities, as well.

      1. Dave, I too hate roadside litter. With a vengeance. At our cottage in West Wales I’m forever to be found on the beach below dragging a rubbish sack while forlornly clearing up other people’s discarded food wrappers and drinks cans, though I feel wonderful once it’s all done and I can stop grinding my teeth in frustration at the thoughtlessness that generates the litter.

        However, we have two art pieces in our home, beautifully constructed driftwood boxes inlaid with materials that appear to be semi-precious, but in reality are wave-worn fragments of man-made materials. The litter clogging the tide line can be hideous and frustrating to deal with, not to mention fatal for the creatures in our oceans. But yes, occasionally I too am brought up sharply by a flash of unexpectedly lovely aesthetic. And these two boxes help me to remember that beauty can be found in the most unexpected places and forged out of the most unpromising materials.

        1. Oh yeah, beaches can be bad, what with stuff washing ashore in addition to what people toss out right there. In general, I am baffled by people who discard their litter at campsites and natural areas, because the beauty of the spot is presumably what attracted them to it in the first place. This is a very different phenomenon from people tossing stuff out of car windows along the highway.

          When I was a kid in the early to mid-70s, most trash on beaches still seemed vaguely poetic, because it was mostly glass and metal — and some of the polished glass fragments were highly collectible. Plastic is very hard to see the beauty in.

  4. I like these. Interesting to see them together. Many are familiar.
    Awhile ago, I wrote an email to a friend and used some of the spam in the lines. The word combinations can be so bizarre and funny. You’ve probably already seen this, but for awhile, Crackskull Bob was doing the odd piece of art inspired by weird subject lines from spam emails.

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