Another way to support Via Negativa, and a new book coming

So I created a Paypal account and added a donate button to the sidebar of Via Negativa, in response to a couple of readers’ explicit requests. (Not everyone needs new mugs or shirts, apparently.) All funds so received will help pay for hosting and domain registration costs for Via Negativa, The Morning Porch, Moving Poems and the Moving Poems forum, Woodrat photohaiku,, Postal Poems, Shadow Cabinet and Spoil. If I get more money than I need for that, I’ll put the rest in a laptop fund, or something else that directly or indirectly supports my web publishing activities. Anyway, the button’s there for anyone who wants it, at least through the end of this month. Please don’t feel obligated, though.

* * *

bullshit artistThe Words on the Street anthology is complete, and in fact the book is available for purchase if you are feeling especially impatient or brave. The trouble is, the front cover looks like crap in the preview pop-up, and even though a design professional with whom we consulted says that’s almost certainly just a problem with the preview, and there’s probably nothing wrong with our file, I’m still waiting until the publisher has a copy in hand and is able to verify this. So you can expect an official announcement from us next week, knock wood. Here’s the publisher’s website.

4 Replies to “Another way to support Via Negativa, and a new book coming”

  1. I really need to stop by more often. I could have done ALL my Christmas shopping in one fun filled stop.

    Ping me.

  2. I think you should leave that ‘Donate’ button in place on a permanent basis. So many admire what you do at via negativa, and this gives an opportunity for those who can and want to help out a little with the house-keeping.

  3. I see. Yes, well that could work too, as long as you didn’t balk at putting it up from time to time.

    I realise how difficult getting these things right can be, and I know too that most get it badly wrong. But you’re a one-off of shining integrity, generous and open-spirited doing an extraordinary job Dave, and I think that all of your regular followers here know and appreciate that.

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