Via Negativa snapshot

Age of blog: 8 years
Total number of posts: 3,528
Total number of archive pages @ 10 posts/page: 353
Comments (since April 1, 2006): 19,051
Categories: 40
Category with the most posts: Poems & poem-like things (1,306)
Tags: 652
Series: 25
Active plugins: 15
Average page views per month: 15,000
Busiest day: October 6, 2011 (2,919 views)
Most popular post: Tree stands (15,326 views)

Total word count: 1,364,021
Average words per post: 386
Wordiest post: Festival of the Trees 1 (5,113 words)
Wordiest post that didn’t include a ton of quotes: Monsters of God (4,624 words)
Wordiest month: April 2004 (40,945 words)
Least wordy month: September 2009 (3,186 words)
Dave’s total word count: 1,288,732
Dave’s average words per post: 409
Luisa’s total word count: 55,865
Luisa’s average words per post: 152

Number of times Via Negativa has been hacked: 2
Number of times Via Negativa has moved to a new web host: 3
Via Negativa is older than: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, this mountain in Iceland, my niece Elanor, and my relationships with more than a dozen dear friends, scores of great writers and countless other interesting folks whom I’ve met through blogging.

Thanks to the WP Word Count plugin, by Brian J. Link, for all the word-count statistics.

20 Replies to “Via Negativa snapshot”

  1. Woohoo, and congratulations, Dave. The blogosphere wouldn’t be the same without you. I know I can’t count the number of times I’ve gotten turned onto something because you mentioned or tried it first. I consider you my “big blog-brother.” :-)

    1. Thanks, Lorianne. VN is only older than Hoarded Ordinaries by about a week, no? But if you want to hold me in that kind of esteem, who am I argue? :) You, Leslee and he-of-the-many-pseudonyms were the first bloggers I ever met in person, so I do feel as if we’re sibling bloggers, yes.

  2. We’re the same blog-age but you’re way way *way *ahead of me in post-fidelity and post-consistency and word-count (not just many words but fine ones too).

  3. Is it really eight years? How amazing. Congratulations, and thanks for being here :-) That’s some statastic geekiness. Twenty-five series!

  4. Grizzled, eh? I’m a thankful reader who caught on, if not early, in earnestness.

    Happy birthday, VN & Dave, & thank you for the ribald, odd, poetic & entertaining posts. And all others, too. :-)

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