Why is the Costco Apocalypse Dinner Kit with a 25-year
shelf life suddenly trending, when those kinds of things
have been around for a while? When the world is ending,
I suppose there might be some comfort in knowing you
could have a few last bites of pasta Alfredo, pot pie or
teriyaki rice (just add water). There are at least a few
moments every day that feel apocalyptic. A geyser
explodes boiling water, mud, and rock a hundred feet
in the air. Floodwaters roar through bridges and tin house
villages. There are wars that have been raging so long,
we can't remember exactly how they started and when.
How many WCNSF could a bucket of Apocalypse meals
feed? Birds fall out of the air but no one eats them. Dead
bees lie on their sides, the broom stiffening on their legs.