
coltsfoot in ditch

I seem to photograph the coltsfoot every year — it’s the first flower to bloom on the mountain. And this is the earliest it’s ever bloomed.

fly on coltsfoot

It’s non-native, but not particularly invasive here. I think most people mistake the blooms for dandelions (which of course bloom much later). Pliny famously classified it as two different plants, failing to observe the small leaves beginning to emerge as the flowers die. This small fly, however, seems quite unconfused.

10 Replies to “Coltsfeet”

  1. Interesting, I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen this plant – will look sharply if I’m mis-identifying dandelions. I love the colours and patterns of water, is it? in the top photo.

  2. Thanks. It took some doing to get the color and light-levels of the ditch-water just right without over-exposing the flower. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I also altered the environment before taking the shot, removing several dead oak leaves from around the flower. I was going for that lotus-in-the-mud vibe. (And the mud is always more interesting to me than than the lotus, of course.)

    Incidentally, I have a new photo up at the photohaikublog, too. (You may have already seen it on Flickr.)

  3. I love that first photo too, and thanks for admitting you’ve been known to pick up or rearrange bits around the main subject – me too :-)

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