Fragment of a Poem Disguised as SPAM

This entry is part 9 of 55 in the series Morning Porch Poems: Spring 2012


Fill in the blanks: Hello ___,
I am ill and would die

having been diagnosed with ___.
I want to distribute my ___

to ___ in your country
through you. Please respond

for more ___. Respectfully, ___.
I am ill as you know and ill-

prepared for the day: read to me
again those lines that say how

All that is wild is tamed by love
though I can tell you when even

the sun struggles to shine,
when even the birds refuse to eat

from the same tree as their mates.
Like new money, the blooms

of the locust tree weigh down
the branches. I am certain

it is you I seek: the coin
of an answer, before all is lost.


In response to an entry from the Morning Porch.

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2 Replies to “Fragment of a Poem Disguised as SPAM”


    You read me lines before you left.
    Love tames all that is wild, you said.

    I know I am finally done with running,
    but I have no where to go. I can’t find you.

    On the G-mail, Yahoo, what have you,
    I risk being exposed as a scam scumbug.

    I, too, am ill, and I have nothing to leave
    except palpable feelings of your touch.

    I have become wealthy with these tender
    Not pounds nor guineas, but all this gentle

    currency that has long lost its value: Love,
    love for the wild heart and the wild times.

    —Albert B. Casuga

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