Living at peace

Velveteen Rabbi:

Yom Kippur is a rehearsal for the day of our deaths. Today we wear white, like our burial shrouds. (Some wear a white robe called a kittel, in which they will someday be buried.) Today we abstain from food and drink; the dead need neither. And today we say the vidui, the confessional prayers, as we will say on our deathbeds. As Rabbi Shef Gold has written, “For the whole day of Yom Kippur, we act as if it is our last day, our only day to face the Truth, forgive ourselves and each other, remember who we are and why we were born.”

Today is our chance to release all the karmic baggage we haven’t managed to let go in the last year. To set ourselves, and everyone we know, free. Not so that we can die at peace — but so that we can live at peace, with ourselves and with one another.

3 Replies to “Living at peace”

    1. My pleasure. I always enjoy learning about your tradition, which has so many points in common with my own heritage but also diverges in such interesting ways. In particular, I think it’s a shame that Christians never made an annual ritual of begging everyone they’ve wronged for forgiveness. Theologically, I guess, it must’ve been an intolerable notion for early Christians that there might’ve been anything that wasn’t within God’s own power.

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