When will you get a job? So happy for you. This
is only the beginning. Make sure you go out
and get a really good job. When I was half your age
I didn’t mind walking half an hour to the next town
to go to school. Sometimes I had no shoes. Now I can see
a big mansion in your future; many kids. A loving wife,
several cars in your garage. Maybe a room for me.
Vacations. Maids. Pah, you have never lived life
until you have been pampered by maids. Your wife
will appreciate this. You will never have to pull weeds
in the garden. Someone will come and do it for you.
What do you mean you don’t want a mansion or several cars?
Did you not major in accounting? What is this thing
Liberal Arts? No matter. The important thing is
you have this piece of paper with gold letters
and a seal. It is like a passport, this. Trust me.
But these days you will also need to make friends
and influence people. Almost like you will need
a letter from the king underneath this guarantee.
Under every story of success is a ladder. Remember
what I tell you now: look at all the helping hands.
But there are also many hands that will try to pull
you down; sadly, I know. That is also part of our story.
In response to Via Negativa: Public Relations.