
My father and Dr. Thomas Pepys dined at my house, the last of whom I did almost fox with Margate ale. My father is mightily pleased with my ordering of my house. I did give him money to pay several bills.
After that I to Westminster to White Hall, where I saw the Duke de Soissons go from his audience with a very great deal of state: his own coach all red velvet covered with gold lace, and drawn by six barbes, and attended by twenty pages very rich in clothes.
To Westminster Hall, and bought, among other books, one of the Life of our Queen, which I read at home to my wife; but it was so sillily writ, that we did nothing but laugh at it: among other things it is dedicated to that paragon of virtue and beauty, the Duchess of Albemarle.
Great talk as if the Duke of York do now own the marriage between him and the Chancellor’s daughter.

At the last house
I saw the duke go from his audience,
his coach all velvet.

Gold pages
in other books I read—
nothing but talk.

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Friday 26 October 1660.

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