You're wrong: evolution isn't something that stopped happening sometime in the past—If it helps, think more of those moving walkways you see at airport terminals, with people standing on the right who seem perfectly content to let themselves be borne along at a steady rate, while others who want to move faster than the conveyor belt stride through on the left so the plane doesn't leave without them. Then there are those who eye change with suspicion; or worse, insist on a story they might have pickled or slapped together along the way: for instance, the statewide mandate to teach schoolchildren that Native Americans were "the first immigrants" to this nation. That one is plainly a lie even Magellan or Columbus would see right through—after all, didn't they want to be the first? Maybe a better subject for study is the evolution of crabs, which excites scientists no end because apparently, they have evolved at least five times over the last 250 million years, sometimes losing crabby features, sometimes gaining newly interesting ones. Why some are small as a pea and others wear the face of doomed Samurai warriors on their backs is still a mystery. Some are true or carcinized crabs, which makes it sound like they might have served jail time. There are forward-moving crabs and crabs that only walk sideways; crabs that swim and others that live in the mud. Crabs with giant claws become shell-crushing predators in an ecological arms race. You can tell the false crabs by counting how many pairs of walking legs they have: three instead of four, with a miniature, sorely undeveloped-looking pair in the rear.