The World, Again

Just a few hours ago, I wondered if I should read

sudden rain again as portent of what's to come; if

the week's swing from freezing to warm and back,

and news of floods and mudslides in island towns

are additional reminders of the end everyone says

is looming more ominously than before. At the gas

station two days ago, I couldn't wash my windshield clear 

because the squeegee was frozen in the water bucket.

Night still falls early, and dark is still dark. But the baby 

is happy with the crinkled paper wrapper around 

a plastic block, and the toddler gathers dry

leaves and dandelion leaves in both hands, carefully

constructing a salad. How is it possible I walked

into the house of someone I met for the first time,

and came away with the gift of a living plant in my arms?

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