Canal haiku

bridge over the canal

It’s sandal season—
you bring back a blister
from the canal.


Light from the water
plays on the steel girders.
A train’s screeching wheels.


Leading a crew
of gnomes and potted plants,
the jolly roger.


After the canal boat passes,
the huge floating leaf
reverses course.


Lowering their heads in threat
again and again: geese
with a single gosling.


Where the high-speed
train will run,
the drillers’ four-storey screw.


Behind the supermarket,
the pigeons line up
for crumbs of bread.


You can find her by the ding
of bicyclists’ bells:
the deaf dog.


Leaning out over
the green water,
he paints the boat green.


destination for cars”—
and next door, stacks of tires.

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