There is always one
burnishing with rosin
or turning a peg
in the soundboard,
while another clicks
the row of red, yellow,
and green on a Rubik’s
cube to warm up the hours,
repeating a scale or that
same passage from one
of Vivaldi’s Seasons—
cuckoo clearing its throat,
spangles of ice thawing
from the roof, wheels
of a carriage turning
heroically in the mud,
and the rider pressing
his mount onward to that
breathless destination.
In response to an entry from the Morning Porch.
- [poem removed by author]
- Milonga sentimental
- In the grey sky, a blue wound:
- At last
- Something takes a few steps and stops
- Metro
- Don’t let the dogs smell your fear
- Immigrant Time
- Concert call
- Standards of Learning
- Wind Chill
- The second crop
- [poem removed by author]
- Mile Marker
- Mission
- February Elegy
- Storm Watch
- Authorship
- Filigree
- House Arrest
- [hidden by author]
- Epithalamion
- Bespoke
- Ghazal for Unforgetting
- Instructions for prospective contributors
- Call and Response
- The Present