King of the road

Up and with Sir J. Minnes and Sir W. Pen to St. James’s, but the Duke is gone abroad. So to White Hall to him, and there I spoke with him, and so to Westminster, did a little business, and then home to the ‘Change, where also I did some business, and went off and ended my contract with the “Kingfisher” I hired for Tangier, and I hope to get something by it.
Thence home to dinner, and visited Sir W. Batten, who is sick again, worse than he was, and I am apt to think is very ill.
So to my office, and among other things with Sir W. Warren 4 hours or more till very late, talking of one thing or another, and have concluded a firm league with him in all just ways to serve him and myself all I can, and I think he will be a most usefull and thankfull man to me. So home to supper and to bed.
This being one of the coldest days, all say, they ever felt in England; and I this day, under great apprehensions of getting an ague from my putting a suit on that hath lain by without ayring a great while, and I pray God it do not do me hurte.

the road home
went off and ended

a kingfisher is my other self
in an old felt suit
I eat and go

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Monday 6 February 1665.

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