Writing and difference

Up, and abroad about several things, among others to see Mr. Peter Honiwood, who was at my house the other day, and I find it was for nothing but to pay me my brother John’s Quarterage. Thence to see Mrs. Turner, who takes it mighty ill I did not come to dine with the Reader, her husband, which, she says, was the greatest feast that ever was yet kept by a Reader, and I believe it was well. But I am glad I did not go, which confirms her in an opinion that I am growne proud.
Thence to the ‘Change, and to several places, and so home to dinner and to my office, where till 12 at night writing over a discourse of mine to Mr. Coventry touching the Fishermen of the Thames upon a reference of the business by him to me concerning their being protected from presse.
Then home to supper and to bed.

in the wood who was
my other brother

who takes it ill
I come to read

I say the reader and I
change places

writing over is a sin
to the press

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Friday 3 March 1665.

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