
All the morning about my Lord’s character. Dined to-day with Captain Clerke on board the Speaker (a very brave ship) where was the Vice-Admiral, Rear-Admiral, and many other commanders.
After dinner home, not a little contented to see how I am treated, and with what respect made a fellow to the best commanders in the Fleet.
All the afternoon finishing of the character, which I did and gave it my Lord, it being very handsomely done and a very good one in itself, but that not truly Alphabetical.
Supped with Mr. Sheply, W. Howe, &c. in Mr. Pierce, the Purser’s cabin, where very merry, and so to bed. Captain Isham came hither to-day.

morning on the peak
a brave little tent

to see how
I am made

low and fleet
of hand and alphabet

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Wednesday 25 April 1660.

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