Rockin’ new links

International Rock-Flipping Day, September 2, 2007 International Rock-Flipping Day 2008 is now only a week away: Sunday, September 7 (with an alternate date for public schools on the preceding Friday, September 5th). If you missed IRFD 2007, or have forgotten how much fun that was, my mother’s nature column for September will tell you all about it.

Please help spread the word. For more information, see the complete Rock-Flipping Day file.


Festival of the Trees #27 is up.


Postal Poetry shifts to a M-W-F posting schedule, starting today with a postcard from Tom Montag and Marja-Leena Rathje, “blue.”


After briefly alighting at, the dynamic group of female online poets calling themselves the Poetry Collaborative have settled into beautiful new digs at This is an exciting, ground-breaking site: where else can you watch collaboratively written poems grow by the day and by the hour, and be privy to side discussions between the authors? Start following the PoCo now and you should have clear bragging rights in six months or so. Because it’s gonna be huge, the Huffington Post of the poetry blogosphere. You read it here first.

7 Replies to “Rockin’ new links”

  1. “Because it’s gonna be huge, the Huffington Post of the poetry blogsphere. You read it here first.”


    (Really, I snorted when I read that. No kidding.)

  2. I didn’t snort cos until five mins ago I didn’t know what the huffington post was (well I am bwitish)….but thanks anyway, Dave *grin* (oh and Dana and Blythe of course for kickstarting it). I also got to say I LOVE postal poetry…….that is going to be huge too.

  3. Dave, you are too kind. Having you say this is just as exciting as becoming the HP of the poetry blogosphere, for me! And we are all fans of The Mr. Dave Bonta over at the PoCo, and of Postal Poetry as well, of course. :)

  4. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the most apt of comparisons… especially since one of you hadn’t even heard of it. I think subconsciously I was influenced by the fact that your abbreviations rhyme — the HuffPo, the PoCo. But snorting is appropriate, because I remember quite well the reaction of nearly everyone when Ariana Huffington started her site: a huge collective snort of derision. Now, a single HuffPo post can nearly derail a presidential campaign.

  5. I’d have to say she was probably better off not knowing. But hey, there’s another idea for the PoCo: reader caption contests for photos of teh poetz doing adorable things.

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