blossoming witch hazel
I pound a stuck storm window
with a Chinese dictionary
red-spotted newt
even on land it still steers
with its tail
where it lost a limb
a glimpse of twisted heartwood
mosquito in my ear
old bolete
gnats follow the branching cracks
in its skin
first rain in weeks
the dry canyons in my moss garden
night-blooming cereus
two spiders feed
on a white moth
And if you haven’t visited for a while, yes, the site does have a new look.
Love the new look of the photoblog!
Thanks. I was sorry to ditch the old theme, but it practically required that all photos be 800×600 pixels, and I wanted more flexibility. Also, with the current theme, it was easier to tweak the typography.
Dave Bonta your photoes are very beautiful.
Dave BONTA的照片集太美
Thanks for looking.