
This entry is part 4 of 91 in the series Toward Noon: 3verses


The sound of porcupine teeth
in the oak’s crown,
as lethal as mistletoe.

Ahead of me on the path,
the tracks of three deer
braiding and unbraiding.

I reach inside my coat
and find a twig. It’s happening
sooner than I thought.

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5 Replies to “Haustorial”

  1. (Haustorial: of, relating to, or having a haustorium. Haustorium: “the appendage or portion of a parasitic fungus (the hyphal tip) or of the root of a parasitic plant (such as the broomrape family or mistletoe) that penetrates the host’s tissue and draws nutrients from it.”)

        1. Thanks! (And I welcome suggestions on what to call this poetic form of three unrhymed triplets or tercets. I think of them as 3/4ths because I’m consciously trying to avoid tying things up neatly at the end; I want them to remain open.)

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